HC13 Scented Meadow Wildflower Seed Mix 100%
Annual Wildflowers Included: Candytuft, Corn Chamomile, Corn Marigold, Evening Primrose & Night Scented Catchfly
Perennial/Biennial Wildflowers Included: Chives, Common Thyme, Dames Rocket, Feathered Pink, Lawn Chamomile, Meadow Sweet, Musk Mallow, Salad Burnet, Siberian Wallflower, Sweet Cicely, Wild Marjoram (Oregano), Wild Garlic & Yarrow
Why Buy this product?
- Professionally selected to give off strong scents and aromas in and around the flowering meadow.
- Including high colour wildflowers plus wild herbs like Chives, Thyme, Meadow Sweet, Sweet Cicely, Wild Marjoram (Oregano) & Wild Garlic that are especially strong
- Most plants give off there fragrance within the meadow but a selection can also be crushed for their smell i.e Salad Burnet
- The meadow will also attract many insects/pollinators and mammals. Including Moths, Hoverflies, Ladybirds, Dragonflies, Caterpillars, Birds, Bats etc
- Ideal for urban meadows, professionally designed landscapes, garden borders etc
- Includes high colour Annuals and Perennials which gives colour in the first year and beyond
- Colours include: pink, purple, yellow, white, orange & red
- Environmentally friendly (provides habitats for Bees, Butterflies, other Insects and Birds)
- Sow in Spring or Autumn
- Our mixtures include a large amount of species from the RHS Plants For Pollinators wildflower seed list
- Use our wildflower seed growing guide for best results
(Please note that the actual varieties may vary according to availability; any substitutions are made with nearest equivalent appropriate species where available)
Sowing rates: (For small packs see www.ukgrassseeds.co.uk)
100% Wildflower Seed - 2-4 grams per m2
50g covers 10-25m2 - see UK GRASS SEED
100g covers 25-50m2 - see UK GRASS SEED
250g covers 50-100m2
500g covers 100-200m2
1kg covers 200-400m2
5kg covers 1000-2000m2
10kg covers 2000-4000m2