Adventure Radish Seed (Unique Nematode Reducer - Triple Resistant) (10kg per acre)
Why Buy this product?
- The ultimate biofumigant specially bred to reduce and control a large range of nematodes
- Ideal for BCN Beet Cyst Nematode, PCN Potato Cyst Nematode, Cereal Cyst Nematode, Pea Cyst Nematode etc. See full list below on resistance and non-hosting traits
- Soil improving bulb and long tap root capable of growing down to 2m
- Variety has good early vigour, very leafy at early stages of growth and extremely late flowering type that doesn't want to set seed. White/Yellow flowers and tall type plant
- Extremely frost resistant, down to -6 degrees
- To get the best from this radish, chop the plant when it is 50% flowering into small pieces, in moist conditions. This increases soil organic matter
- Other benefits include; nitrogen catcher, reduces soil erosion and weed growth
- It is recommended to apply 50kg N/ha
- Ideal for use on its own at 10kg per acre (8kg on light soils) or in cover crop mixtures
Resistant to:
- Heterodera Schactii (Beet Cyst Nematode BCN) Level 2
- Heterodera Betea (BCN)
- Meloidogyne Chitwoodi (Root Knot Nematode RKN)
- Meloidogyne Halpa
Non-host to:
- Globodera Rostochiensis & Globodera Pallida (Potato Cyst Nematodes PCN)
- Heterodera Avenae (Cereal Cyst Nematode)
- Heterodera Goettingianna (Pea Cyst Nematode)
- Meloidogyne Naasi (Cereal Root Knot Nematode RKN)
- Ditylenchus Destructor (Potato Tuber Nematode)
- Pratylenchus Scripnerie (Scribners Lesion Nematode)
- Tobacco Rattle Virus TRV
- Paratrichodores Teres (Stubby Root Nematode)
10 kg per acre