SAM2 Black Grass Terminator Cover Crop Seed (Acre Pack) (SFI)
70.00% Black/Bristle Oats
30.00% Yellow Mustard
100% (12kg's per acre)
Why Buy this product?
- Nitrogen holder that is perfect for any area that has a problem with black grass
- The allelopathic compounds released through the roots inhibit weed growth
- Prolific tillering gives good ground coverage that suppresses winter weeds and also provides residue during the next planted crop
- Bristle Oats suppress some nematodes, especially root-knot nematodes. Their allelopathic compounds help to break disease cycles for other crops
- Quick to establish and improves soil structure
- Protects from soil erosion
- For more information on SAM2 -
Price per 12kg acre pack
SAM2 Black Grass Terminator Cover Crop Seed (Acre Pack) (SFI)
SKU: 7922