Meadow Fescue Grass Seed (Festuca Pratensis) (10kg per acre)
Why Buy this product?
- A very valuable, under-used, persistent, loosely tufted perennial grass.
- Ideal for grazing leys, hay/silage production (wide leaves) and extreme conditions
- Can out yield Perennial Ryegrass in some scenarios. E.g. wet/heavy/dry/light land, low fertility areas etc
- Early spring growth, very palatable and good digestibility
- Exceptionally winter hardy
- Deeper rooting than most grass plants other than Cocksfoot
- Found naturally in the UK, in old pastures, meadows, water meadows, grassland, roadsides, heavy soils
- Very similar to Tall Fescue but more palatable, less coarse
- Flowers June-August
- 30-120cm in height
- Normally sown with other species, Timothy, Perennial Ryegrass etc. When sown on its own, it can become clumpy.
- Various varieties available
10kg per acre
Meadow Fescue Grass Seed (Festuca Pratensis) (10kg per acre)
SKU: 2203