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Organic Long Term Pig Graze Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack)

3.00 kg ORG TRIBAL Perennial Ryegrass Int Tet

3.10 kg ORG TODDINGTON Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
3.00 kg ORG NASHOTA Perennial Ryegrass Late Tet
0.70 kg ORG LIDACTA Cocksfoot
1.30 kg AMBA Cocksfoot

1.00 kg MERWI White Clover

0.50 kg MERLYN White Clover
1.40 kg CHOICE Chicory
14.00 kg per acre


Why Buy this product?

  • Permanent mixture that includes deeper rooted species like Tetraploid PRG’s and Cocksfoot for additional wear tolerance. These will also help break up soil compaction caused by the pigs.
  • Includes late heading diploid PRG’s prostrate growth habit to give good ground cover and act as a natural weed suppressant
  • White Clover fixes nitrogen whilst also adding protein and trace elements to the sward
  • Chicory has a good mineral content including Zinc, Potassium and Copper, and can reduce the effect of internal parasites


14 kg bag - 1 acre pack 

Organic Long Term Pig Graze Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack)

SKU: 7118O

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