NZ Cool Graze Grass Seed Mix + Clover (Acre Pack) (4 Years Grazing)
3.50 kg KIRIAL Hybrid Ryegrass Tet
4.00 kg FINTONA Perennial Ryegrass Int Tet
3.00 kg ASTON CONQUEROR Perennial Ryegrass Int Dip
2.00 kg CALLAN Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
1.50 kg CANTERBURY White Clover Blend
14.00 kg per acre
Why Buy this product?
- Grows down to soil temperatures of 3 degrees
- This provides longer grazing periods which saves on feed costs (early Spring & late Autumn)
- Fast establishment, superior ground cover and high sward density
- Very palatable
- Good rust resistance
- Excellent animal performance
- Great early Spring and Autumn production
- Exceptional summer yields
- Designed especially for New Zealand grazing systems
- Mixture includes a New Zealnd White Clover Mix
Tim Gibson, Dairy Farmer North Yorkshire. "The 15 acres of the Cool Season grass mixture was sown on very light, drought-prone soil. The Ley got off to a bad start due to dry conditions and no rain until the end of June. Despite this, the ley established and demonstrated superior tillering to other grass sown at the same time. It has been cut twice for zero grazing at 5-6 inches. Analysis showed higher protein content that IRG. The ultimate judge was the cow. When cool season grasses were fed, med production increased."
14 kg bag - 1 acre packs