HM.30 Pastoral Chicory Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (4 Years Grazing)
2.50 kg ASTON KING Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
2.50 kg CALLAN Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
0.80 kg CHOICE Chicory
2.20 kg SWALEDALE White Clover Blend
8.00 kg per acre
Why Buy this product?
- High quality grazing mixture
- Drought tolerant
- Unbeatable for finishing lambs
- High ME
- Mixture high in protein
- Chicory is dominant in summer
- Perennial Chicory included for great persistence and quick re-growth
- Grass is dominant in Winter
- Requires intensive grazing to avoid Chicory from going woody later in the year
8 kg per bag
Acre Packs