HM.26R Red Conqueror Medium Term Grass Seed Mix with Red Clover (Acre Pack) (3-4 Years Cutting)
2.50 kg ASTON CONQUEROR Perennial Ryegrass Int Dip
2.50 kg RITCHIE Perennial Ryegrass Int Dip
2.00 kg CHATSWORTH Perennial Ryegrass Int Tet
2.20 kg TIMING Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
2.30 kg NASHOTA Perennial Ryegrass Late Tet0.75 kg GLOBAL Red Clover
0.75 kg MERULA Red Clover Tet
1.00 kg ROZETA Red Clover
14.00 kg per acre
Why Buy this product?
- Premium medium term cutting mixture, for maximum energy values, quality performance & maximum MILK
- Excellent grazing performance that provides a very dense sward, good D values and high intakes
- High 1st & 2nd cut yields and rapid 2nd cut regrowth, compared to other quality mixtures
- All milk index grasses are tested for digestibility of organic matter, crude protein, water soluble carbohydrates (mainly sugar), cell wall fraction, digestibility of cell wall and ash content
- Explosion is a brand new MI variety. High sugar contents, excellent digestibility, high resistance to rust, consistent high yields & exceptional winter hardiness
- Includes other MI and Aston grasses. High disease resistance, high sugar, high protein, high yielding, dual purpose grasses for a Conquering mixture!
- High inclusion of Nitrogen fixing Red Clover for low inputs
- Options of adding White Clover and Herbs
14 kg bag - 1 acre pack