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HM.18 Manor Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (SW8) (4-6 Years Dual Purpose)

2.50 kg BOYNE Perennial Ryegrass Int Dip
1.50 kg NOLWEN Perennial Ryegrass Int Tet
1.00 kg ASTONVISION Perennial Ryegrass Int Tet
1.00 kg GLENEAGLE Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
1.00 kg TODDINGTON Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
1.50 kg NASHOTA Perennial Ryegrass Late Tet
1.50 kg MELFROST Perennial Ryegrass Late Tet
1.00 kg COMER Timothy
1.00 kg WINNETOU Timothy
0.70 kg LAURA Meadow Fescue

0.50 kg GLOBAL Red Clover

0.80 kg VIKING White Clover Blend
14.00 kg per acre


Why Buy this product?

  • Very flexible grass seed mixture of permanent grasses
  • Provides grazing that is highly palatable and digestible throughout the season
  • Suitable for hay or silage 
  • Well balanced mixture using a wide range of species that can adapt to different climatic conditions
  • Offers a wider nutritional base than other mixtures
  • Clovers create a good source of Nitrogen
  • The Meadow Fescue & Timothy can still yield well in soils with poor nutrients 
  • SW8 


14 kg bag - 1 acre pack

HM.18 Manor Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (SW8)

SKU: 7018

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