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Festulolium Grass Seed (Hybrid) (14kg per acre)


Why Buy this product?

  • Varieties available: Lofa, Merlin, Perun, Perseus (more information below)
  • Festulolium's are a natural hybridisation of different grasses. It is crossed between Ryegrasses & Fescues (Italian Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue & Meadow Fescue). 
  • This means it is got the advantage of each grass - high yielding with a high-stress tolerance
  • High-quality forage even when Ryegrass is just beginning to wake up after the winter
  • High yielding, fast to establish and high dry matter
  • Drought resistant, ideal for dry areas (deep root structure)
  • Can also tolerate water logged areas
  • Adapted to cooler conditions (winter hardy)
  • Early spring growth 
  • Usually lasts for 2-3 years (depending on external factors and variety)
  • Sow straight at 14kg per acre


LOFA: Tall Fescue x Ryegrass. Very fast to establish and high 1st cut yield. Less aggressive growth after 1st cut making it ideal to be sown with legumes. High resistance to crown rust. High tolerance to stress. Intermediate heading.


MERLIN: Italian Ryegrass x Meadow Fescue. A Perun type tetraploid variety. Hardy, healthy and of high quality. Excellent digestibility.


PERUN: Italian Ryegrass x Meadow Fescue. Italian Ryegrass type but with better persistency. Tetraploid variety. High yield and high sugar. Good resistance to rust Dreschlera leaf spot and mildew. High first cut yield. Intermediate heading.


PERSEUS: Italian Ryegrass x Meadow Fescue. A variety with a very vigorous growth both in spring and after cutting, but at the same time also with a good persistence.


FEDORO: Italian Ryegrass x Meadow Fescue. High forage quality due to late ear emergence. High yielding. High disease resistance. High persistence. Late heading.


Sow in Spring or September

14kg per acre

Festulolium Grass Seed (Hybrid) (14kg per acre)

SKU: 2215

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