Enermax Fodder Beet Seed (Acre Pack) (21% DM)
Why Buy this product?
- Smooth and clean white root with 21% dry matter
- High yielding bulb (higher root yield than Magnum)
- Ideal for lifting (shallow rooting for a clean lift)
- High dry matter content
- Great disease resistance and rhizomania tolerant
- Can also be used for bio-energy production
- Easily to lift on all soil types with good storage ability
- Sold in 50,000 acre seed pack
- Force 10 treatment or untreated for organic use with derogation
Seed sold in acre packs
Treated: Force 10 treatment for soil pests. Also includes a fungicide treatment
Enermax Fodder Beet Seed (Acre Pack) (21% DM)
SKU: 4020
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