Balansa Clover Seed (Trifolium Michelianum) (4kg per acre) NEW!
Variety: Paradana, hard seeded, high yielding variety (mid flowering type)
Why Buy this product?
- Annual SELF-REGENERATING Clover seed (new to the UK)
- Frost tolerant, known to survive up to -14 degrees
- Huge, tall and semi-erect growing, tillering plant with hollow stems (3-6ft tall)
- Nitrogen fixing (100kg per acre)
- Massive yields, higher yielding than Red & White Clover
- Long, deep taproots (also improves drainage and breaks up compaction).
- Rapid root development (upto 0.5m within 2 months)
- Tolerant to waterlogging, can grow in standing water (for short periods of time)
- Ideal for cutting and grazing
- Great digestibility and crude protein levels
- Hard seeded and prolific seeder
- Good disease resistance
- Will grow in most soil types and Ph ranges (5.5-9)
- Grows mainly in Spring
- Avoid heavy grazing and heavy cutting in the 1st year - slower to regenerate
- 4kg per acre straight and 0.5-1.25kg in Grass mixtures. Price per 4kg
4 kg per acre
Balansa Clover Seed (Paradana) (4kg per acre)
SKU: 2315