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20kg - BG.2 Green Baize Bowling Green Grass Seed Mix

25% DICKENS Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

25% CHLOE Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

20% SEROA Slender Creeping Red Fescue

25% DIPPER Strong Creeping Red Fescue

5%   HIGHLAND Browntop Bentgrass



Why Buy this product?

  • Ideal for Bowling Greens and Croquet Lawns
  • Slightly different to the conventional bowling green mixture, the BG.2 mixture includes 50% Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass which is a fairly new idea for Bowling Greens.
  • The Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass adds many benefits including a faster germination, faster growth, better wear tolerance and high disease resistance whilst being almost as fine as the rest of the grasses.
  • Produces a very close knit grass sward which will withstand regular mowing
  • It's also a more economical bowling green mixture
  • Great all year round colour
  • Super easy to establish
  • Produces a dense sward
  • Good drought tolerance



Peter Cotton, Turfgear, Bowling Green Specialists. "I was very impressed with the way the BG.2 Green Baize mixture quickly established itself under extremely difficult conditions. These new dwarf ryegrasses are quick to establish and seem to produce a dense sward with superb colour. I will definitely use them again for renovation work on Bowling Greens."


20 kg per bag


Sowing rate: 35-70 grams per m2

Oversowing: 20-35 grams per m2

20kg - BG.2 Green Baize Grass Seed Mix (BG2)

SKU: 8047

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